転職 なら キャリトレ - 20代 転職アプリ

by 株式会社 ビズリーチ



Get in the habit of learning a career with videos and articles Register for free on a career change site and easily search for jobs and jobs with the app Enjoyable career change activities with diagnostic content and scouts

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株式会社ビズリーチが提供する、20代のための転職アプリ「キャリトレ」。登録は簡単。会員登録から内定受け取りまで完全無料。さらに入社が決定すればお祝いをプレゼント。直接スカウトが届く転職アプリ。求人・仕事探し、転職・就職活動に役立ちます。■キャリトレとは株式会社ビズリーチが提供する、はじめての転職のための20代の転職サイト・転職アプリです。キャリア形成の方法や転職のノウハウを、動画・記事コンテンツで学べます。気になる求人に「興味がある」をするだけで志向性に合う求人がレコメンドされ、企業からスカウトが届くようになります。使えば使うほど、自身の潜在的なキャリアの可能性を発見できます。■新しい4つの機能を追加1. 動画と記事コンテンツ職務経歴書の書き方、面接での注意点など、転職・キャリアに関するコンテンツをたくさん用意しています。転職活動がはじめての方はぜひ参考にしてみてください。2. 転職マップ転職活動がはじめての方にもわかりやすい転職マップを導入しました。何から始めたら良いかわからない方は、転職マップをもとに転職活動を進めてみてください。3. ドリブン診断診断を通して、あなたが仕事において大切にしている軸、現状の不満を可視化・言語化します。あなたが本当に求めている求人を探す一歩になるかもしれません。4. 合格診断気になる求人はあるけど、応募しても入社につながるか自信がないという方にオススメ。求人に応募する前に書類選考を通過する可能性を診断できます。【登録無料! 今すぐ始められる転職活動】会員登録から内定受け取りまで完全無料。さらに入社が決定すればお祝いをプレゼント。【在籍している企業には知られないから安心】「登録したら転職活動をしていることが会社に知られてしまうのでは?」と心配している方、ご安心ください。登録していることを特定の企業に知られないようにする機能をご用意しています。■キャリトレの特徴◆気になる企業からスカウトが届く◆気になる求人に「興味がある」をすると、あなたの思いが企業に届きます。あなたの思いを受け取った企業から直接スカウトが届くこともあります。また、履歴書を充実させると、気になる求人に「興味がある」をしなくてもスカウトが届くことがあります。◆素早い転職活動◆企業とはチャットで直接やりとりできるので、素早い転職活動が可能です。◆使えば使うほど、自身の潜在的なキャリアの可能性を発見◆これからのキャリアを考え、本気で転職活動をしたいあなたにピッタリ。キャリトレはあなたの志向性を学習し、おすすめの求人を毎日お届けします。自分でも気づけなかった新しい可能性に出会えるかもしれません。■こんな方におすすめ・本気で転職活動をしているが、自分が納得する会社に出会えていない方・いろいろな転職サイトを見ているうちにやるべきことがわからなくなってしまった方・転職サイトに登録はしたが転職活動が進まなかった方・はじめて転職活動をする方・本気で転職したいけど時間がない方、転職活動の仕方がわからない方・転職エージェントもしくは転職アプリを使って転職を検討してる方・転職アプリを使って求人情報を見たい方・スカウトがくる転職アプリで正社員の求人を見つけたい方・転職を検討していて仕事を探してる方・正社員で就職したいので正社員募集の求人情報を検索したい方・転職サイトと併用して転職アプリも使って求人を見つけたい方・無料登録の転職エージェントを使って正社員の求人、仕事探しをしたい方・転職アプリ、転職エージェントを使って正社員で就職したい方・仕事探しやてんしょくしたい方・正社員で採用してもらえる求人を転職サイトや転職アプリで仕事探してる方・正社員で就職したくて転職を考えてる方・求人情報を集めたくて、転職アプリ探してる方・転職サイトやアプリで求人情報を見たい方・スカウト通知が来る転職アプリ・サイトで効率よく仕事探しや転職活動を行いたい方・就職アプリを活用しててんしょくをしたい方・無料登録の転職アプリ・転職サイトで仕事探しをしたい方・まずは無料で求人情報を見たい方・転職エージェントに相談して転職活動を進めたい方・求人情報をあぷりで見たい方・きゅうじん情報を転職アプリもしくは転職サイトで見たい方・求人や仕事探しが出来る転職あぷりを探している方・仕事内容や求人情報が豊富なアプリを活用したい・スカウト機能を活用して効率よく転職活動をしたい方"Calitre", a job change app for people in their twenties, provided by Visional, Inc.Registration is easy. Completely free from membership registration to receiving a job offer. If you decide to join the company, you will receive a congratulatory gift.A job change app that allows scouts to reach you directly. It is useful for recruiting / job search, job change / job hunting.■ What is Calitre?This is a job change site / app for people in their 20s for the first time to change jobs, provided by Visional, Inc.You can learn how to build a career and know-how on changing jobs with videos and article contents.Just by "interesting" in the job you are interested in, the job that suits your intentions will be recommended, and you will receive scouts from companies. The more you use it, the more you can discover your potential career potential.■ Added 4 new functions1. Video and article contentWe have prepared a lot of content related to career changes and careers, such as how to write a resume of work and points to note in interviews.If you are new to job change activities, please refer to it.2. Job change mapWe have introduced a job change map that is easy to understand even for those who are new to job change activities.If you dont know what to start with, please proceed with the job change activity based on the job change map.3. Driven diagnosisThrough the diagnosis, we will visualize and verbalize the axis you value in your work and the current dissatisfaction.It may be a step towards finding the job you are really looking for.4. Pass diagnosisRecommended for those who are interested in jobs but are not confident that they will join the company even if they apply.You can diagnose your chances of passing a document screening before applying for a job.[Registration is free! Job change activities that can be started right now]Completely free from membership registration to receiving a job offer.If you decide to join the company, you will receive a congratulatory gift.[Relieved because it is not known to the company you are enrolled in]If you are worried that if you register, the company will know that you are changing jobs, dont worry. We provide a function to prevent a specific company from knowing that you are registered.■ Characteristics of Calitre◆ Scouts arrive from companies you care about ◆If you are "interested" in a job you are interested in, your thoughts will reach the company.Scouts may also come directly from the company that received your thoughts.Also, if you enrich your resume, you may receive a scout without being "interested" in the job you are interested in.◆ Quick job change activity ◆Since you can communicate directly with companies via chat, you can quickly change jobs.◆ The more you use it, the more you discover your potential career ◆Perfect for you who are serious about changing jobs, thinking about your future career.Calitre learns your orientation and delivers recommended jobs daily.You may come across new possibilities that you didnt even realize.■ Recommended for people like this・ Those who are seriously changing jobs but have not met a company that they are satisfied with・ Those who have lost track of what to do while looking at various job change sites・ Those who have registered on the job change site but have not been able to change jobs・ Those who change jobs for the first time・ Those who really want to change jobs but do not have time, those who do not know how to change jobs・ Those who are considering changing jobs using a job change agent or a job change app・ Those who want to see job information using the job change app・ Those who want to find a full-time job with a job change app where scouts come・ Those who are considering changing jobs and are looking for a job・ Those who want to search for job information for regular employees because they want to get a job as a regular employee・ Those who want to find a job using the job change app in combination with the job change site・ Those who want to find a job or find a full-time employee using a free registration job change agent・ Those who want to get a job as a full-time employee using the job change app and job change agent・ Those who want to find a job・ Those who are looking for a job that can be hired by a full-time employee on a job change site or job change app・ Those who want to get a job as a full-time employee and are thinking about changing jobs・ Those who want to collect job information and are looking for a job change app・ Those who want to see job information on job change sites and apps・ Those who want to efficiently search for jobs and change jobs on the job change app / site where scout notifications come.・ Those who want to use the job hunting app・ Free registration job change app ・ Those who want to find a job on a job change site・ First of all, those who want to see job information for free・ Those who want to consult with a job change agent and proceed with job change activities・ Those who want to see job information・ Those who want to see the information on the job change app or the job change site・ Those who are looking for a job change app that can find jobs and jobs・ I want to use an app with abundant job information and job information・ Those who want to efficiently change jobs by utilizing the scout function・応募リクエストに、14日以内絞り込み機能を追加しました。・求人検索時、応募リクエストやスカウトが来ている求人がわかりやすくなりました。・その他、細かな不具合を修正しました。